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business team


Dedication. Competence. Passion.

The complementary experience of our partners enables us to provide a comprehensive and integrated consulting service from technological, financial, legal, and managerial perspectives.


We are a team of expert professionals operating in the financial, industrial, technological, digital, academic, research, legal, and real estate sectors.


Honorary President - Attorney General

Silvio Rancati ​

Silvio Rancati is a corporate executive and financial consultant, former CEO of Ambrogest S.p.A. and Ambromobiliare S.p.A., with experience in managing equity investments, financial consulting, and real estate administration.

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Responsible for the administration and management of real estate properties

Fabio Poli

Business manager with experience in business management, corporate administration, and team coordination.

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Project Manager - Marketing & Communication

Stella Immacolato​

Brand Manager with extensive experience in brand management, product oversight, and marketing strategies, backed by a solid background in strategic consulting at PwC.

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Giovanna Fuda

Accounting, financial statements, and administration management.

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Institutional and legal affairs

Valerio Stanisci

Lawyer and founder of “Stanisci Papandrea Law Firm” , specializing in civil, bankruptcy, commercial, tax, international, and economic criminal law. He has been collaborating for years as a legal consultant for the Chamber of Deputies, the Senate of the Republic, the Government, and the Constitutional Court, and is also an expert in defense and security for Italian companies.


    Project Manager - Marketing & Communication

    Eleonora Rancati

    Brand Manager and co-founder of Duskey Records S.r.l., with expertise in A&R, marketing, communication, and event organization, supported by a strong background in business management and project development in the financial and music sectors.

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    Project Manager - Marketing & Communication

    Belentina Hutka

    A professional with experience in business process management, client relations, and performance improvement, having served as a Process Excellence Representative at BD.

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    Project Manager - Marketing & Communication

    Debora Vaccaro

    A professional with experience in business process management, client relations, and performance improvement, having served as a Process Excellence Representative at BD.

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    Technical - Scientific Team

    Paolo Donati

    Prof. Roberto Leonardi

    Prof.ssa. Loredana Latterini

    Gianluca Montenegro

    Augusto Della Torre



    Registered office: Corso Vittorio Emanuele II 15, 20122 Milan


    Administrative and operational headquarters: Via Alessandro Manzoni 31 20089, Rozzano (MI)


    +39 02 8905 8790
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